
March 1 Week 5--developing a global vision

   Global marketing is the marketing that targets markets throughout
the world. Global vision is recognizing and reacting to international
marketing opportunities, using effective global marketing strategies,
and being
aware of threats from foreign competitors in all markets. These two
factors are most important for a frim to join the oversea market.
  Such as Hidden among flashier details of Apple Inc.'s iPhone 4
unveiling was this surprise: 88 countries will get the latest device
by September, a much smaller lag behind the U.S. introduction than
in the past. The shift shows how important overseas sales have become
for Apple, which struggled before the iPhone to become a global player.
The faster rollout comes as many analysts believe iPhone growth has
peaked in the U.S., at least through its current sole partner AT&T Inc.

         Last year, Apple introduced the iPhone 3GS in June and the
phone was available in 64 countries at the end of September 2009, but
it wasn't yet available in countries like South Korea and China, which
are the fastest growing markets today.


week4- The marketing environment

The target market for Apple Inc who have a few characteristics. Middle/Upper income folks who are willing to pay a bit more for a better user experience. paying 500 more for a computer is not a huge deal if you have a decent income.
  Secondly, People who like to have fun with technology. No other platform offers as many entry level tools (the whole iLife bunch and more). This includes people who like to shoot a lot of digital photos or video. It's the whole digital hub concept. People are starting to buy into it.
Or music enthusiasts and fans ages 12-35.
And Professionals in media and design.
 As disposable incomes rise, more families and induviduals can afford the "good life". And their purchasing power is higher, so that they can buy many things they like. Apple's products have high technology, they can be satisfied with those people who want good life.


week 3- Ethics and social responsibility

Apple Supplier Code of Conduct
Apple is committed to ensuring that working conditions in Apple’s supply chain are safe, that workers
are treated with respect and dignity, and that manufacturing processes are environmentally responsible.

Apple’s suppliers are obligated, in all of their activities, to operate in full compliance with the laws, rules,
and regulations of the countries in which they operate. This Supplier Code of Conduct goes further,
drawing upon internationally recognized standards, in order to advance social and environmental


chapter 2

This chapter talk about strategic planning for competitive advantage. There is full of competition in the market, consumers have many choices while they want to buy something. So the firm need to attract to consumers to patronage with them, they have to think about the strategies to beat other competition. People need for conducting a situation analysis. So that they could understand the current environment that the product or service will be marketed in. Also a firm should know its congeneric competition, do everything faster and better than others.When a firm have a product, it need to do research for that new product. What target is it for? Every single product should be specific for a group of people. Sometimes firms use promotion strategies and pricing strategies. That's a way for competitive advantage ,too. When a person is going to buy a product, he has choices. I think he will choose the one with promotion or lower pricing. For example , I choose Apple inc to be the company for discussion. It open up the market for smart mobile phone. Apple Inc have well marketing planning , because everytime Apple is going produce a product. Ads will be seen everywhere, like the subway, post card, telephone booth. People who are interested in it, they will pay attion to the ads. Apple Inc mostly for specific groups of people. Those people who are popular, have ability to buy the products . Because the products in Apple Inc is not cheap. They know the target for market. On the other hand, most new products will be upgrade very often.I think it's the product strategies for Apple Inc. So that others company can't copy from them. And it 's a way to protect themselves, people can't decode their products easily.


Chapter 1

Most people use Iphone today. So I choose Apple Inc to be the company I am to analyze this semester. Apple was established on April 1, 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne.  There were no screens for computers that time. They use TV to be a screen. And it's very successful. Day after day, apple 's products still have the most stable sale in the market.  They renew the products very often. And new products have been come out continuously,  Apple has released the Iphone since 2007.  It was big sale. Many youths start to use Iphone. From today , Iphone 4 has come already. It hold the main market in phones.  The price still very high in the market.  And they have new product named I pad in 2010. It s a kind of computer. Just like a bigger size Iphone.  Almost every year, Apple Inc will give customers surprise for new products. They can catch the people's mind , so when apple is going release a product. Many fans will go for standing on the long line to buy it. It's very crazy. And apple inc will listen to customer , also. They will try to make products better and better. They can hold the good relationship with customers. Apple's products often have good quality, and they have guarantee for each product. People will trust that and choose those products , though with higher price. I think the mission statement for apple inc is that. Apple computer is committed to protecting the environment, health and safety of our employees, customers and the global communities where we operate. We recognize that by integrating sound environmental, health and safety management practices into all aspects of our business, we can offer technologically innovative products and services while conserving and enhancing resources for future generations.
