
chapter 2

This chapter talk about strategic planning for competitive advantage. There is full of competition in the market, consumers have many choices while they want to buy something. So the firm need to attract to consumers to patronage with them, they have to think about the strategies to beat other competition. People need for conducting a situation analysis. So that they could understand the current environment that the product or service will be marketed in. Also a firm should know its congeneric competition, do everything faster and better than others.When a firm have a product, it need to do research for that new product. What target is it for? Every single product should be specific for a group of people. Sometimes firms use promotion strategies and pricing strategies. That's a way for competitive advantage ,too. When a person is going to buy a product, he has choices. I think he will choose the one with promotion or lower pricing. For example , I choose Apple inc to be the company for discussion. It open up the market for smart mobile phone. Apple Inc have well marketing planning , because everytime Apple is going produce a product. Ads will be seen everywhere, like the subway, post card, telephone booth. People who are interested in it, they will pay attion to the ads. Apple Inc mostly for specific groups of people. Those people who are popular, have ability to buy the products . Because the products in Apple Inc is not cheap. They know the target for market. On the other hand, most new products will be upgrade very often.I think it's the product strategies for Apple Inc. So that others company can't copy from them. And it 's a way to protect themselves, people can't decode their products easily.

