
week4- The marketing environment

The target market for Apple Inc who have a few characteristics. Middle/Upper income folks who are willing to pay a bit more for a better user experience. paying 500 more for a computer is not a huge deal if you have a decent income.
  Secondly, People who like to have fun with technology. No other platform offers as many entry level tools (the whole iLife bunch and more). This includes people who like to shoot a lot of digital photos or video. It's the whole digital hub concept. People are starting to buy into it.
Or music enthusiasts and fans ages 12-35.
And Professionals in media and design.
 As disposable incomes rise, more families and induviduals can afford the "good life". And their purchasing power is higher, so that they can buy many things they like. Apple's products have high technology, they can be satisfied with those people who want good life.

