
week 6 --consumer decision making

      Consumer behavior processes a comsumer uses to make pruchase decisions. Usually, people plan to buy a new product, they will follow these steps. Need recognition,is consumer want to buy something. It occurs when comsumer are faced with an imbanlance between actual and desired states that arouses and activates the comsumer decision-making process.Like, people see I-pad 2 is coming, they want to buy one. The second step is information search, while people see I-pad 2 's ad. They will do some research for this new product, trying to know it better. The next step is evaluation of alternatives,from the research, consumers know about I-pad 2 better. They 'll think about if it's necesary. They 'll compare I-pad2 with others. Then some of them will be purchase. The last is postpurchase behavior.
         There are some factors influencing consumer buying decisions, social factor is one of them to effect consumers buying I-pad 2. Usually there is a new product in Apple Inc comes, many fans go for lines and buy it. The ohter is induvidual factors, they want to have a better lifestyle. So that they buy everything new. Also, cultural factors and psychological factors are important. They may effect people's decisions to buy products.

