
week 15--Business Marketing

Business marketing is the marketing of goods and services to individuals and organizations for purposes other than personal comsuption. Saling computers to schools and colleges is an example of business marketing. Apple sell their computers to some college. Even though there are a lot apple computers in the computer lab, they still have some. Apple can promote their computers. And this kind of business, it won't just sell one or two . Schools usually buy great amount.Apple can earn more money in selling big amount of products.
Apple has been so successful in these last years thanks to his fresh, imaginative way to think and do its business: a winning combination of exceptional products, great style and design, great strategy, innovative marketing, sleek and enticing communications. Additionally,Apple owes its overwhelming success in the last years to the iPhone and to the smart iPod and iTunes product combination, a combination of a great hardware piece with great style, great software, great performance, user friendly interface, with a good e-business service. The iPod + iTunes halo effect and new great Mac computers and Mac OS software did the rest in increasing Apple revenue stream. So many big organization buy products from apple.


week14 -- Segmenting and targeting markets

The core target market for Apple products are young adults and teenagers for both male and female, primarily in USA, Canada, Europe and Asia.However, Apple doesn't seem to target market in the way other companies do. Even though their main target are professional users, they target people. It focuses on users of all type of demographic group and market.Apple's market segmentation is characterized in age, gender and desire for image and creating product desirability mainly to everyone. Apple's products are targeted from middle to high class consumers.Apple’s iPhone currently ranks third in global smart phone sales behind only Nokia and RIM. Apple’s iPhone seen the largest gain year-over-year.
   Apple lets users decide how and where they'll use its products. Most importantly Apple target to the most creative and liberal people that love innovative, high-tech new products.Since Apple launched its first products to the public, it began expanding around the nation. For the past years Apple geographic segmentation has increase globally. Targeting to major cities around the world.Apple has become a well known company globally and its strategy concerning target segmentation and targeting markets are simple and open to everyone.